When you look at almost any task that people have to complete, rushing is one of the major reasons for errors. People who are in a hurry are simply more prone to making mistakes than those who are careful and able to take their time. This is true in everything that...
Do dog bites cause infections?
Dogs are wonderful companions. However, even the friendliest dog can become aggressive and bite if they are frightened, attacked or overexcited. No matter the breed or size, a dog bite can leave you with a variety of injuries. If you are a victim of a needless dog...
What are the 2 main kinds of wrongful death damages you can seek?
Someone dying will have a massive impact on their family and social circle. Although it is very natural to search for someone to blame, only a small percentage of annual deaths are legally actionable events. Some deaths in Indiana will meet the very specific standards...
Are large dogs more aggressive?
When you’re worried about being bitten by a dog, you may be more worried about a larger breed of dog. If a German Shepherd charges toward you while you’re out for a run, for instance, that’s much more frightening than if it’s a Boston Terrier. This has caused some...
Your costs after a car accident can go far beyond the medical care
When you get injured in a car accident, you could find yourself facing rather high medical bills. If the other driver was the one who was responsible, you likely want to seek compensation to cover those bills. This is one of the most common reasons that people begin...
Was your child injured by an “attractive nuisance?”
Summer means free time and exploration for kids. That can be a dangerous combination. No matter how much you may caution your child not to go onto someone else’s property without permission, some things are just too inviting to pass up. That’s where the attractive...
Are driverless cars dangerous?
It’s becoming more common to look at cars driving beside you and find no one in the driver's seat. They may drive past you, turn into another lane and even drive off the freeway all without user operation. It almost sounds like the beginning of a ghost story, but it’s...
How long will your doctor listen to you?
You've been having some health issues, and you've been thinking about them constantly for the last three months. You finally got an appointment with the doctor, and you plan to go in and tell them everything that's been happening so they can make a proper diagnosis...
Were you a victim of a hit and run accident?
Your car was just hit from behind, and your airbags deployed. Feeling disoriented, you look up in time to see a car pass you and speed off. When the police and paramedics arrive, they ask you about the other driver, and you try to remember the details. You tell them...
Can you count on insurance to replace your vehicle after a wreck?
Like most drivers in Indiana, you follow the law and carry liability coverage on your vehicle. Maybe you carry the lowest amount possible to keep your insurance rate affordable, or perhaps you have invested in a large policy to protect your personal property and...