Many people have to undergo surgeries to resolve medical conditions. These patients put their trust in doctors, nurses and physicians to perform at a standard level of care. However, when a physician neglects their duties, they put their patients at risk of injuries....
Medical Malpractice
3 reasons why diagnostic errors are such a common issue
Someone who notices concerning medical symptoms might make an appointment with their primary care physician. If the symptoms are severe enough, people may seek out evaluation and treatment at urgent care facilities or emergency rooms. Patients dealing with concerning...
What is medical malpractice?
Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare provider—such as a doctor, nurse, therapist or healthcare facility—fails to provide appropriate treatment, omits to take an appropriate action or otherwise provides substandard treatment that causes harm, injury or death to...
Is it time to change doctors?
There are many important professions out there, but doctors deal with life-and-death scenarios. A doctor is someone you’re supposed to be able to trust. Generally, medical professionals take their duty of care very seriously. They find the best possible treatments...
Compensatory Damages on Indiana medical malpractices
Nothing is more heartbreaking than a medical treatment turning into a fatal tragedy. A Johns Hopkins Medicine study reveals that medical errors rank third in the leading causes of US deaths. The torment caused by substandard healthcare cannot be comparable to any...
Has a physician offered you a settlement?
All too often, a physician’s fear of liability will keep them from admitting to wrongdoing when they’ve made a mistake or otherwise subjected a patient to a subpar standard of care. When this occurs, patients may be either left in the dark that they’re now uniquely...
When can you sue a hospital for medical malpractice?
When we fall sick, we visit the hospital for treatment so we can get back on our feet and carry on with our lives. It is the job of the hospital to hire healthcare providers who can diagnose, treat and help patients recover from their illnesses and injuries. But,...
Indiana Court Provides Guidance on Breadth of Medical Malpractice Act
Today, we return to one of our more frequent topics for discussion on the Hoosier Litigation Blog: the Indiana Medical Malpractice Act. Many of our prior discussions have looked at the procedural process of bringing a medical malpractice case in Indiana. Such...
Indiana Supreme Court Weighs In on Medical Malpractice Filing Deadline
Yesterday the Indiana Supreme Court handed down a concise but extremely informative decision in the realm of medical malpractice law. In keeping with what has become a very distinct pattern in cases involving statutory interpretation, the opinion was authored by...
Indiana Medical Malpractice Filing Using Third-Party Carrier
**UPDATE** On June 7, 2013, the plaintiff, Mrs. Moryl, petitioned the Court of Appeals for rehearing of the matter. Rehearings are rarely, but occasionally, granted. This is typically a precursor to seeking transfer to the Indiana Supreme Court. An important note is...